When I received the call I felt like I had to advise her: "Tarot is not mainly divination... I'm not going to predict your future... It is more on possibilities, attitudes, other perspectives", but she told me that this is exactly what she is looking for. So, fine - I enjoy reading for other people as much as I do for myself.
I was 16th years old then and I was introduced to the cards by an older boy during my summer holidays in Maremma. I felt I could connect with them and I started bringing with me my personal cards from Tuscany - the ones employed by Disney's Madam Mim in her solitary.
In my house there were at least two or three other decks, all curiously missing one or more cards: as a child my granny taught me games, and when I was alone I imagined the lives of the court cards and attributed magical powers to the aces: the ace of hearts for love, the ace of flowers for friendship, that of pentacles for success and the ace of spears for danger.
I decided that some cards had specific meanings for me, independently from the traditional ones. I knew for example that everytime The High Priestess showed up there was some kind of protection from a female dead ancestor; that the Hierophant was strongly linked to the literary profession - editors, critics, publishers -, but not to writers or artists; and that my life was significantly influenced by the Six of Cups for reasons I might explain in the future.
It's not that easy to meet tarot readers in Italy - I've mostly met old women from my neighbourhood, my grand-grand-mother included, taking off the evil eye or working with Catholic symbolism and blessings, but completely unaware of tarot and surely more interested in magic or religious forms of protection than in esoteric knowledge. Yet years ago I went to visit a woman living on the hills, a psychic, who reads tarot and practices automatic writing. She impressed me. She employed a worn out deck of Visconti Sforza and while shuffling she was able to visualize the core of the problem. She put down the cards barely looking at the images in a tower-like spread and she started talking to me about the things she saw from my past and present. I remember two Queens and The Devil from that long, intense session and of course the many details, my dear dead ones and the way she explained their presence. Through the cards she recognized faces and people, producing quite precise physical descriptions.

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